Monday, May 11, 2009

What are Healing Silks?

Healing Silks
Energy Healers, Health Professionals and those seeking recovery to perfect health

report the Healing Silks to be effective used alone or in conjunction with various

modalities of Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology and conventional medical practices.

Many choose to wear Healing Silks as protection from EMF exposure.

When using Healing Silks to clear and open energy pathways, charkas,

meridians and bio-fields, a wearer receives more vital energy, greater clarity, pain relief,

accelerated healing from surgery as well as lesser side-effects from chemotherapy.

Healing Silks includes:

Intentional Energizers, Altar Cloths/Wall Hangings, Affirmation Bookmarks,

Gratitude Scarves, Images & Insights, Sacred Healing Wraps, Feng Shui Harmonizing Banners,

Healing Prayer Shawls and Scarves

For Spirit, Mind and Body...

Polarity & Bowen Therapy, Ion Cleanse & Ear Candling

Polarity & Bowen Therapy

Polarity Therapy $65.00

Polarity Therapy is a natural health care system that reduces stress and enhances better health.
It is a four-part approach to balancing the energetic patterns of the body. Based on principles
developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, an osteopath, naturopath and chiropractor, Polarity Therapy
combines bodywork, nutrition, stretching postures and open communication, facilitating self
awareness, to free energy blockages and establish a natural energy flow for self-healing.

In Polarity Therapy bodywork, a single session may draw from a menu of healing techniques
that include aspects of naturopathy, osteopathy, cranio-sacral, acupressure, reflexology,
massage and yoga.

Polarity Therapy may be found to be beneficial for a wide range of emotional and physical
conditions, both chronic and acute. It is also a useful aid to relaxation, stress release and
relief from physical and emotional post trauma symptoms. It encourages and supports
clients to make a commitment to positive change and to take ongoing, active responsibility
for their own health.

Bowen Therapy $65.00

A safe and gentle form of body work in which very subtle moves performed over the muscles
and connective tissue send messages deep into the body, retrieving cellular memory of a
relaxed, balanced way of well being.

•Back pain and sciatica
•Digestive and bowel problems
•Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
•Menstrual and hormonal irregularities
•Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
•Sports and accident injuries
•Pelvic tilt, uneven leg length
•Frozen shoulder

Ear Candling $45.00

An age-old art that began with the Hopi Indians, ear candling, or coning, is a wonderful
way to deal with the cleansing of the ears.

Before the ear candling treatment, a gentle massage concentrating on the sinuses and
the lymph area is given. The massage opens up the sinus passages to increase the
effectiveness of the treatment. Then a hollow candle is placed in the ear and carefully
lit at the other end. The warm air from the candle softens the earwax while the conical
shape of the candle forms a vacuum-like device and draws up old wax and debris from
inside the ear.

The experience is relaxing and even soothing. It is wonderful for swimmers, children
and adults suffering from colds or ear infections and people with hearing difficulties.
Ear candling has also been known to help in detoxifying the sinuses and the lymph system.

Ion Cleanse $45.00

Complete Body Detoxification in just 30 minutes.
This is a total body detoxification without precipitating a healing crisis.

How Does It Work?

Simply put your feet in a basin of water and relax for 30 minutes. A device is placed in the
water that generates thousands of negative ions. The water will start to change color from
orange, brown, green or black—due to the release of toxins through the 2000 pores on the
sole of the feet. With each session the water may look different depending on what toxic
substances are present in the body.

Where Do Toxins Come From?

Toxins will be leached out from the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, blood and lymph. The practitioner
will be able to identify the areas of highest toxicity during your session

What Type Of Toxins Will Come Out In The Water?

•Heavy Metals •Tobacco • Mucous •Yeast/Candida, •Parasites/Pinworms •Cellular Debris.

Who Can Benefit From This Treatment?

Everyone can benefit from eliminating toxic build-up in the body. However, specific aliments
respond incredibly well to this therapy:
•Allergies •Asthma •Candida •Drug, alcohol, tobacco toxicity •Chronic pain and injury
•Edema •High cholesterol •Weight loss